How dedicated are you to healing? I was inadvertently thrown into reckoning with the things that have led me to where I am today, and realized that so much of my hurt coincides with resentment. I began to really enforce boundaries, when I was able to admit that one sentence changed the entire trajectory of my life! My boundaries , especially with those closest to me, weren’t being respected at all. Next I started holding people accountable for how they have hurt me.
The thing about holding people accountable is it had to be done in order for me to move forward. Not everyone apologized, and some people are still holding out. I stopped waiting on apologies and excuses, and they ceased to feel necessary. Not needing the apologies is definitely part of the healing. How so? For me, there was power in the words “I deserved better!”. #MakingHealingAPriority
Still true 🖤💫